Sunday, March 13, 2011

Broken Hearted Little Girl . . .

Yesterday, March 12, 2011 was a very dark day in my life. My Grandma Mecham passed away. I'm still dealing with mixed emotions ranging from depression to lost in the reality of it. It just happened so unexpectedly but we were all waiting for this and praying that this day would never come. It just feels like my world should not exist without Grandma here. She was the best person that I have ever known. She always encouraged me to do what ever I wanted to do and be who ever I wanted to be. As she lived her incredible life I don't think that she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Now I will never have a chance to tell her. If I were to reach one goal in my life I would love to be at least half of the amazing lady that she was. I love her more than anything, and I'll always miss her. I love you Grandma, I'll see you again someday! Until next time. . . keep it real!

1 comment:

Ben and Sheri Wallace said...

Im sorry for your loss and just know that I am here for you and I love you!!