Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The fall of an empire . . .

So in case not everyone has heard the bad news by now, Borders Inc. has officially filed for bankruptcy. With this knowledge hundreds of Borders books, music and cafe around the world are closing their doors. On this list is a store that I have grown to love and refer to it as my second home. Borders in Logan, Utah: Store number 553 is a store that I spent every single day at for three years of my life. Although I have not worked there for a little over a year now, I still feel the sadness that previous co-workers are going through. I still feel connected to each one and I hope that they are able to find jobs quickly. I have many friends (though the one's who work there I have always referred to them as my borders family) that are directly effected by this tragedy. There are far to many people to name them all, but for all the staff both past and present . . . God bless you in this time of grief. It has been an honor working with you all. Even though Borders may be gone, we are still family. I will alway remember the wonderful memories and friends that I have made in a small bookstore on main street in the tiny town of Logan, Utah. Until next time . . . keep it real!

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